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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

This Blog is so Gay My Ass Hurts!!

Okay, as funny as this title is this is one of my more serious blogs because it's about a pretty hot topic right now, and I just get more and more frustrated with the continuing persecution of human beings. Awhile ago I wrote about discriminatory Blockbuster customers who aren't fans of homosexuality (This Blog is Gay). In Wisconsin? I know, right! That's a shocker, but it is becoming unfortunately and abundantly clear that the majority of our nation feels the same way. If you refer to Jean's latest blog of beauty you will see what I mean (Kans-ass). Shannon also had some very intelligent, honest things to say as well (Straight for Gays). This, of course, brought me back to November when the not so great state of North Dakota voted against gay marriage as well. In November, North Dakota was 1 of 12 states to completely ban gay marriage. Kansas now makes 18 total states to completely ban gay marriage. I would also like to say that I know there are going to be points that I'm missing so feel free to comment and add you own oppinion because I really don't have the time to write out an entire novel. Even write your own blog and just leave me the site in the comment area. If you voted in any of these states that have had a vote feel free to simply express why you voted the way you voted.

I'm going to try my best to not completely state my opinion in here about gay marriage, but rather objectively show how everyone who disagrees with me is wrong. Whoa. How long did that last? Anyway, the majority of the people voting against this are voting this way because they're retarded. Okay, I did again. Sorry. I'll start over. Let's just say some people don't know or simply don't want to know about homosexuality. They're afraid of it. They were raised to believe it is not right. They hate it to simply hate it. The sad truth is, some people just don't like something simply because it is different from themselves. I believe that is called ignorance, but I'm not here to judge.

I'm quite certain the majority of voters are voting against gay marriage because they have a very strong belief of what marriage is supposed to be: Holy Matrimony. I can't exaclty quote the Bible, and I don't like getting into arguments about the context of it because the Bible itself is ambiguous and cannot be read without interpretation. It is impossible to take the Bible 100% literally. If you do, why stop at gay marriage? Why not go back to owning slaves and beating our children! I'm pretty sure that's in the Bible! Now, I'm not challenging anyone to try to be 100% loyal to the Bible because wow, what a waste of time and God help us...literally. Find the core goodness of the Bible, or whatever "book" you use to guide you, and believe in that. And let that guide you, not control you. That's all I can say right now because I'm not physically present to debate the undebatable.

My next point, is the obvious separation of church and state. This is not a clever title. It's exactly how it reads. The whole idea behind separation of church and state is to allow an established religion to perform its practices without interference from the government. So I believe. Now, I don't have a problem with a church not feeling comfortable marrying two men because that's their religious right. But how can we ignore the rights of individuals who have the simple desire to be with one person for the rest of their lives? How is one woman wanting to be with another woman harmful? How is it a sin to be in love? Where does it say that people have to get married in a church? The United States are of America not God. When one Christian man who strongly believes in Jesus wants to marry a Jewish woman who doesn't, where can they go? City Hall, a Justice of the Peace, some government place outside of the church that accepts their different beliefs, Las Vegas, and even the internet. How can things like that which actually deal with the beliefs themselves be so easy to overcome, but the simple truth of one man wanted to marry another man because they are absolutely in love with each other be so God damn hard!? Being gay is not a belief it is a way of life, of living, of being yourself because that is the way that God, or whatever you believe in, made you.

To sum up: How can you vote against love?


Blogger C-Lover said...

Amen my brother. A-Fucking-Men!!!

8:15 PM  

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