A long time ago in a Blog far, far away...
Wow, I don't really know where to start. I had a fairly interesting summer that went by very quickly because I was working 3 jobs and have not known a weekend off in three months. I am
currently home sick from work. Probably from working too much and being around sick co-workers. So, I thought I would blog, now that I'm up, showered, and blogger has agreed to post my pictures for this long awaited update.
The first thing I did this summer was shave that hideous growth on my face I tried to pass off as a beard. But I couldn't just shave it off, of course. Oh, no. We male bloggers must shave in progression with humorous other possible versions of ourselves to drive you ladies wild. And so I post again the many facial hair faces of your L-Kapitan:

This is pretty much what I looked like all winter.

A little chin strap to keep what little hair I have left on top
attached to my head.

Ahh, the good ol' gotee, how I've missed you and your

Speaking of badasses. Who the fuck is this guy and could
he be any sexier?! That is in fact a Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
T-shirt under those dark locks. How come his handle bars don't
match the curtains?

If the many episodes of The Shield I've been watching lately
have taught me anything it is this: "Don't mess with the Captain!"

Awe, that's better. I do say I clean up rather nice. Not too
shabby, eh ladies?
As good as I do look (I must say), I unfortunately ended my full year of regular working out by missing a whole month because I was so damn tired and barely had time to eat 2 meals a day, let alone get enough sleep and work out 5 days a week. It took one full year of regular 5 days a week working out and having regular meals 4-5 times a day to gain the 20 pounds I was so proud of. It took one month of not working out and eating regularly to lose 9 of those pounds.
I'm extremely pissed and will not rest until my weight is 10 pounds above my last goal. Unfortunately, I am sick right now, and will have to wait about another week.
I reread my previous post and am very disappointed in how bitter and cynical I sound. I will still say that I'm not cynical but definately a little hopeless. I think I might be looking for too
much in the opposite sex. I might be looking for that someone who fits me perfectly instead of just fitting me well. I broke up with Becky because it wasn't perfect, but she definately fit
me very well. Now she's married and I'm looking for someone with a lot of her qualities and more. In my almost 26 years of existance I at least know what I'm looking for. For the most part I really am just a sucker for a sweatheart with a cute little smile. Becky had that. I like to consider myself a pretty nice guy and am looking for a nice girl who would
appreciate that.
Of course, you might say you want the nice guy but when it comes right down to it, you're just not attracted to them. You might even give them a chance only to drop them for some douche bag who's hotter later on. Tina and I have talked about this several times because she too has noticed the hot girl to douche bag ratio at the bars. She even had a discussion in her communications class with her students. One male student asked why girls always seem to be attracted to assholes. The ladies said it was because a lot of women actually have low self esteem and don't think they could do better or even deserve better. Apparently part of it is also the need to change their man. They try and see that he really could be a good guy and they're just the women to make him better. I don't really know where that leaves me so I'm just going to finish talking about the rest of my summer.
One of the best parts of this summer was my annual Boundary Water trip with the guys.

Chad, Lucas, Brian, Andy, Adam and myself had a great
weekend, swimming...

*I actually swam to that island behind me and back.
...making sun dials out of a stick, a log, and a cheap little
compass/whistle/magnifying glass...

...making raspberry pancakes from the fresh raspberries
growing on our little island campsite...

...and taking several amazing sunset photos while smoking
choice cigars in the most peaceful place I've ever been.

All in all it was a pretty good summer. I worked too much, but the Bank and Best Buy both like me a lot, just not enough to promote me and/or give me more money. I applied to 2 other positions in the bank to finally get off the phones, or at least be on the phones less, and was denied both. I applied for a Production Assistant job at a local TV station and didn't even
get an interview. Best Buy wants me to work full time because I'm such a good salesman. Um, no thanks. I'm currently applying for bank jobs in the cities so I can finally move out there and be closer to all my very good friends. I appologize for not keeping in touch these past few months. Please forgive me, and I will call you as soon as I can.
currently home sick from work. Probably from working too much and being around sick co-workers. So, I thought I would blog, now that I'm up, showered, and blogger has agreed to post my pictures for this long awaited update.
The first thing I did this summer was shave that hideous growth on my face I tried to pass off as a beard. But I couldn't just shave it off, of course. Oh, no. We male bloggers must shave in progression with humorous other possible versions of ourselves to drive you ladies wild. And so I post again the many facial hair faces of your L-Kapitan:

This is pretty much what I looked like all winter.

A little chin strap to keep what little hair I have left on top
attached to my head.

Ahh, the good ol' gotee, how I've missed you and your

Speaking of badasses. Who the fuck is this guy and could
he be any sexier?! That is in fact a Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
T-shirt under those dark locks. How come his handle bars don't
match the curtains?

If the many episodes of The Shield I've been watching lately
have taught me anything it is this: "Don't mess with the Captain!"

Awe, that's better. I do say I clean up rather nice. Not too
shabby, eh ladies?
As good as I do look (I must say), I unfortunately ended my full year of regular working out by missing a whole month because I was so damn tired and barely had time to eat 2 meals a day, let alone get enough sleep and work out 5 days a week. It took one full year of regular 5 days a week working out and having regular meals 4-5 times a day to gain the 20 pounds I was so proud of. It took one month of not working out and eating regularly to lose 9 of those pounds.
I'm extremely pissed and will not rest until my weight is 10 pounds above my last goal. Unfortunately, I am sick right now, and will have to wait about another week.
I reread my previous post and am very disappointed in how bitter and cynical I sound. I will still say that I'm not cynical but definately a little hopeless. I think I might be looking for too
much in the opposite sex. I might be looking for that someone who fits me perfectly instead of just fitting me well. I broke up with Becky because it wasn't perfect, but she definately fit
me very well. Now she's married and I'm looking for someone with a lot of her qualities and more. In my almost 26 years of existance I at least know what I'm looking for. For the most part I really am just a sucker for a sweatheart with a cute little smile. Becky had that. I like to consider myself a pretty nice guy and am looking for a nice girl who would
appreciate that.
Of course, you might say you want the nice guy but when it comes right down to it, you're just not attracted to them. You might even give them a chance only to drop them for some douche bag who's hotter later on. Tina and I have talked about this several times because she too has noticed the hot girl to douche bag ratio at the bars. She even had a discussion in her communications class with her students. One male student asked why girls always seem to be attracted to assholes. The ladies said it was because a lot of women actually have low self esteem and don't think they could do better or even deserve better. Apparently part of it is also the need to change their man. They try and see that he really could be a good guy and they're just the women to make him better. I don't really know where that leaves me so I'm just going to finish talking about the rest of my summer.
One of the best parts of this summer was my annual Boundary Water trip with the guys.

Chad, Lucas, Brian, Andy, Adam and myself had a great
weekend, swimming...

*I actually swam to that island behind me and back.
...making sun dials out of a stick, a log, and a cheap little
compass/whistle/magnifying glass...

...making raspberry pancakes from the fresh raspberries
growing on our little island campsite...

...and taking several amazing sunset photos while smoking
choice cigars in the most peaceful place I've ever been.

All in all it was a pretty good summer. I worked too much, but the Bank and Best Buy both like me a lot, just not enough to promote me and/or give me more money. I applied to 2 other positions in the bank to finally get off the phones, or at least be on the phones less, and was denied both. I applied for a Production Assistant job at a local TV station and didn't even
get an interview. Best Buy wants me to work full time because I'm such a good salesman. Um, no thanks. I'm currently applying for bank jobs in the cities so I can finally move out there and be closer to all my very good friends. I appologize for not keeping in touch these past few months. Please forgive me, and I will call you as soon as I can.
I suck for not keeping in contact too. I can't believe you dated that chick and kept it a secret!
She was mean to you. I'm gonna beat the poo out of her.
Yea cities! When you comin' down next, dog?
Ha. I called you dog.
It's good to know that you are still alive buddy! Sorry you aren't feeling well right now. I hope you are better in time for your birthday.
It sounds like we have a bunch to catch up on so give me a call when you get a chance.
yay!!! Lancey fancy pants! I missed hearing from you....we all suck for not keeping in contact.
Its good that you had a busy summer but i'm sorry you're now ill and kinda bummed. Let me just say that girls are as dumb as boys...especially 21 year old girls.
I can't wait for you to come visit soon. Love ya!
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