Man alive! Look who's 25!
Here's a big birthday blog to one genuine S O'B. Since I'm
soooooooo behind on my blogging I thought I'd throw in the NFA pics of
Shannon & I so there'd be pictures we haven't seen yet.
Basically, it's Shannon & I doing what we always do: eating,
drinking & getting excited over the littlest wine in
a juice box!

It's like the Minute Maid of wine...only better. Right Shan?

"Less talk, more drink. Mm mm good, and good for you.

who wouldn't be excited over free pie? That's really a
hypothetical question since I really can't answer that.
Seriously, I'm not a pie guy, but that shit was good!
Shannon is such a good friend, she even fed me my she was taking this picture.

Look how freakin' happy I am! And it's all because of Shannon.

Here's me yelling happy birthday all the way from Fargo. Hope you had a great day you sexy S O'B!
soooooooo behind on my blogging I thought I'd throw in the NFA pics of
Shannon & I so there'd be pictures we haven't seen yet.
Basically, it's Shannon & I doing what we always do: eating,
drinking & getting excited over the littlest wine in
a juice box!

It's like the Minute Maid of wine...only better. Right Shan?

"Less talk, more drink. Mm mm good, and good for you.

who wouldn't be excited over free pie? That's really a
hypothetical question since I really can't answer that.
Seriously, I'm not a pie guy, but that shit was good!
Shannon is such a good friend, she even fed me my she was taking this picture.

Look how freakin' happy I am! And it's all because of Shannon.

Here's me yelling happy birthday all the way from Fargo. Hope you had a great day you sexy S O'B!
Welcome back to your blog, Lance!
Wine in a juice box!?!?!?! That's what I want for Christmas!
Thanks Lance! Love ya! And thanks for the gift...I'm sure it'll go towards movies in some form or another in honor of you buddy!
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