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Location: Minneapolis, MN, United States

Friday, November 04, 2005

I'm Baaaaack.

My recent titles just prove my complete lack of original thinking lately (hence the outdated blog). I would like to apologize to my friends who have repeatedly scolded me for not updating them on my life. Unfortunately, I really have nothing to write about lately. I just got a job at Best Buy in town a few weeks ago. They were pissing the hell out of me, but that's a long, boring story about a complete lack of communication (which as a proud forensicator, I was very much annoyed by).

I recently got promoted at the service center, which is kind of cool since you're technically not supposed to be able to switch departments for 90 days. I guess I was close enough. I don't know how much more I'll be getting paid or when I'll start in my new department, but I'm really only excited about it because one of the products I'll be working with is the REI card--which I just got!

Fargo's ok, but I miss all my Minnesota friends just like Ryan. I really missed going over there for Halloween. I would have much rather lost my hearing listening to David scream like a little girl than sit at home and watch Psycho by myself.

Basically I'm working, still working out (and still not gaining any weight), sleeping less but shopping more. Still no girl friend, still no hair, but I just joined netflix so I can watch like two movies a week for $10 a month! Woo hoo!


Blogger Jean. said...

Dear Lance,

It doesn't matter if you have nothing to write about. I don't either. I just make shit up.

I really wish you could've been with us on Halloween too.

I miss you like crazy. Please, take off a Friday and join us at the MMC!

Or in Mankato! Please come visit!

OK, OK. I know I could just come visit you in Fargo. But my friends like you and you could hang with us!

3:54 PM  
Blogger C-Lover said...

Welcome back Lance!

Congrats on the promotion!

On your next blog you should give a review of Saw 2. I still haven't seen it and I want to know what you thought of it!

10:46 AM  
Blogger Shan said...

Yay!!! Lance is alive...and not only through comments on my blog!

Like Jean said...write more often. No one else has terribly interesting things to say, and we blog...about the most ridiculous things.

And yes, when are you coming down to see us again? I really hope you'll be able to come down during the holidays when Ryan is in town again...we all miss you!

10:11 AM  

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