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Location: Minneapolis, MN, United States

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I am the Moosemaster!

Here is quite possibly the longest overdue blog ever, since this trip
happened over a month ago and I wrote a blog before this
one. I went on my annual trip to the Boundary Waters with
Brian and some friends of ours, and it was freakin' awesome.

Quotations of the weekend:

"Yeah, that's what she said."
"Damnit! I should've brought my pellet gun."

My six hour drive up after an 8 hour day of work turned into an 8 hour
drive until one in the morning because Brian and I are very bad at
math. The best part about the drive, other than the subway
sandwich I ate as I was leaving Fargo, was that I saw an actual moose
for the very first time when I was about 30 minutes from the
cabin. There was a car in front of me that I saw first because it
was going about 5mph. And there was a giant female moose just
trotting along next to it. So, we drove slowly, patiently waiting
for this extremely tall creature to cross the freakin' road. I
reached for my camera, got it on packed, and the moose was gone.
I didn't get a picture of the moose, but for the rest of the weekend, I
was most effectionately known as "The Moosemaster."

Now, here are some pictures so you all can see why I would be willing to
drive 8 hours for a weekend in the wilderness:

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This was our view from the campsite.

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As is this, with one of our canoes.

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This...also from our site.

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This is Brian's father in law, Mark, standing in his canoe, with us
swimming behind him, trying to think of ways to make him fall over.

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This is Lucas, testing out the hammock. It must
have been compfy, since he ended up sleeping
in it our last night.

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Here's Brian biting off all that he can chew from our batch of 6
different Lipton pastas all in one. Oh yeah, we also had like 6 fish
with dinner that Mark and Joe caught.

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Mark, Brian, and Joe enjoying the traditional after dinner cigar while drinking
and preparing a nice roasting stick for marshmellows.

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I thought I'd jump in and take a few lake-level shots while Luke
paddled his way to Brian and Andy.

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Who were right over there.

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Here's where Brian proposed to Kat, so we thought we'd take our
own engagement picture. As you can see, I'm all ready for the
honeymoon. Gross!

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Actually, I was all ready for the waterfalls. I didn't
want to just hike around them and take nice pictures.
I wanted to jump right in and have people take picutres
of me.

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Like this one.

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And this one.

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Enough of nasty, shirtless me, lets take some
pretty falls pics.

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Soooo pretty!

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And look and this freakin' sunrise. I asked Luke, if he slept on the hammock our
last night and was the first one up, to wake me up in time for the sunrise. It was my
first sunrise, and it was so worth it.

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See, I took another picture.

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Here's my scruffy ass driving 8 hours back home after an awesome,
exhausting weekend.

Image hosted by That's it peeps. Peace out.


Blogger Jean. said...

Just when I think that I can't get more attracted to you, you put these awesome, sexy pictures on your blog.

Hotness, sir. Pure hotness.

12:07 AM  
Blogger Shan said...

Well since Jean has already commented on the extremem amount of sexiness, I will just say that the Moosemaster took some beautiful pics.

5:32 PM  
Blogger Chad said...

u r so hott! u should call me sometimme, 4 sure!

Kick-ass pictures, Lance. And here's a lame question: what kind of exercises have you been doing? Everyone's getting healthier and I want on the Healthy Bus. Push-ups? Sit-ups? Thighmaster? Please tell me it was a Thighmaster.

10:45 PM  
Blogger C-Lover said...

Great pictures, Lance! i only threw up in my mouth a little bit.

2:59 PM  

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