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Location: Minneapolis, MN, United States

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Cuz I's crazy nots to!

First off, I'd like to thank my good friend Ms. Prokott for showing me the on-line scribe universe that is Blog. Thank you. The timing of this e-mail is almost serendipitous considering my mood lately. I'm getting very frustrated here in bumble F Wisconsin where I do nothing but work, complain about not doing real work but sit on my ass until four in the morning and sleep until two in the afternoon until I have to go to work again. I have hundreds of ideas in my head and no outlet to bring them to. I can't write for myself anymore because I feel like I'd just be wasting my time. Instead of making movies I rent them. Instead of going back to school I try to teach myself. And instead of reading or writing I sit around the apartment with my fat cats and wonder why they can gain weight so easily and I can eat a 20 piece, a big mac, and an order of fries at Micky D's without gaining a pound since high school.

Reading over this...what should I call it? Essay? Paragraph? Train of random how the hell did I end up in Wisconsin bullshit? Whatever it is, it's not as depressing as it sounds. I really do thank Jean for showing me this because writing is good for us writers who like to write the written word, right? I don't know where that came from but I'm keeping it in here just because I can. Well, my hands are freezing so I'm going to make me some hot cocoa, finish another bag of my mom's great Christmas cookies to try and gain a bit more weight...Fight Club is on. Gotta go.

Peace out!


Blogger Shan said...

Hang in there Lance! When you have any time off...give me a call...lets chill in the big St.Paul!

11:25 PM  
Blogger Jean. said...

Leonce Pontellier,
I knew you'd love the blog. I knew needed some outlet for your creative visions. Don't worry about Wisconsin. Someday, when you are older you can tell people that you lived in WI for two years--and then they will feel really bad for you and assume that you have accomplished great things because you are no longer living there.

Just keep looking at your calander of the Dakota's for inspiration.

Plus, I am not that far. And will most likely be in St. Paul every Thursday. Booya.

Miss ya.

1:07 AM  

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